Malvertising: That’s No Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

In the spirit of Halloween—and just in case ransomware isn’t scary enough—we have something else to keep you awake at night: “malvertising.” Malvertising (malicious advertising) poses as online advertisements to spread malware by injecting malicious banners into legitimate online advertising networks and Webpages.  Usually, the objective is to control the victim’s operating software, redirecting them…

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Network Security: What Is Risk Analysis?

When you think about risks to your business network … what comes to mind? Hackers? A server meltdown? Data loss? That would be an understandable response, but actually those aren’t risks. Instead, they are properly understood as “threats.” So what’s the difference, you ask? (Or pretend you did.) To conduct a proper risk analysis, look…

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What is all this ‘Net Neutrality’ Stuff?

You may have heard that the FCC recently voted 3 – 2, to reclassify the Internet as a telecommunications service under a 1934 law. This would give the federal government very broad powers to regulate potentially every aspect of the Internet by telling ISPs how they may run their companies … though ostensibly the immediate…

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Understand “the Cloud” and it Could be a Rainmaker

As PC Magazine explains, “In simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.” Yet, there seems to be a gap between popular familiarity with ‘the cloud’ as a phrase and actual comprehension. Consider a new film in which Jay (played by Jason Siegel) exasperatedly…

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Password Mayhem

In January of this year, a news report came out about the most popular passwords of 2013. Would you care to guess the top two? Actually, that isn’t nearly as difficult as you might imagine. They were: #1 – 123456; #2 – password. Some people are just ridiculous, right? But, how often have you gone…

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BYOD. What’s That?

BYOD means “Bring Your Own Device”. This is a phenomenon that will continue to grow as devices get more common, and as people keep bringing their devices into the office. Here are some things to think about: Bandwidth BYOD can cause bandwidth issues and of course, bandwidth is how much internet connectivity you have. A lot…

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