Microsoft 365 IT

Get the most from your investment with an experienced Microsoft 365 company

  • Microsoft 365  IT Support Company Streamline Integration Icon

    Streamline integration

  • Microsoft 365  IT Support Resolve Issues Icon

    Resolve issues expertly

  • Microsoft 365 Company Optimize Icon

    Optimize productivity

Microsoft 365 Services

  • Microsoft 365 IT Support Setup Icon

    Microsoft 365 Integration and Setup

    Transition to Microsoft 365 seamlessly, with the correct settings and complete data migration

  • Microsoft 365 User Support Icon Gray

    24/7 User Support

    Our around-the-clock assistance addresses user concerns and solves Microsoft 365 issues fast

  • Microsoft 365 IT Support Data Icon

    Data Security and Compliance

    We safeguard your sensitive data and help you comply with data protection regulations

  • Microsoft 365 IT Support Email Icon Gray

    Email Management and Filtering

    Communicate efficiently by optimizing your environment with spam filtering and email archiving

  • Microsoft 365 IT Support Patch Icon

    Software Updates and Patch Management

    We handle software updates and patches to keep Microsoft 365 apps secure and up to date

  • Microsoft 365 IT Support Monitoring Icon

    Proactive Monitoring and Issue Prevention

    We monitor your Microsoft 365 environment, preventing issues that could impact your operations

Does Feel Like a Circus?

  • Does it feel like you’re jumping through hoops to handle the complexities of Microsoft 365?
  • Are you concerned about the potential financial loss and productivity drain caused by Microsoft 365 issues?
  • Does staying on top of Microsoft 365 updates and user concerns feel like trying to juggle flaming torches?

Calm the chaos: Partner with SynchroNet for Microsoft 365 IT support solutions.

We’ll Be Ringleader

Here are just a few of the Erie cyber security services we offer:

We understand the high-wire act our clients must perform daily. The unceasing challenges, potential missteps and the ongoing balancing act of productivity and security can be overwhelming.

At SynchroNet, we’re dedicated to being the steady hand that ensures your Microsoft 365 environment runs smoothly and securely, allowing you to enjoy the show without fear of a mishap.

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    Repeat IT issues cut by 60 percent after 3 - 6 months

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    60-day “no questions asked” refund policy

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    80 + businesses trust SynchroNet for IT services

SynchroNet Say

I need to say that SynchroNet seems really great so far. Been with them for 3 months now, and they’ve really gone the distance for us, as our new managed IT service providers in our West Seneca offices. Check ‘em out!

–James Ferguson

We use SynchroNet for their IT support services in West Seneca, and they’ve been a big help so far. We’re not chasing our tails putting out IT fires on a constant basis, which is nice. Now we just focus on running and growing the business!

–Jonathan Black

Very dependable and trustworthy IT partner. SynchroNet has helped us grow our business and keep our IT budget consistent for over a year now. I do recommend taking a look at them if you need better IT management.

–Jo Wright

I love having this company for all my computer/IT issues!! They go above and beyond to make sure that everything works and continues to work the way I need it to!!


Five stars all around. I met Tanner while networking and he is my go to person for any IT advice I need now or in the future! Anybody looking for IT services in the Buffalo area should be talking with SynchroNet.

–Doug Williams

There’s a lot of wonderful people that work for this company. I have the privilege of dealing with Tanner Sanderson. Great guy, you really get to sense that they care about you and your company.

–Jayant Coe

The Way

Want to move your business IT from the wild, wild West to an island of serenity? We get it, and we’ve helped transform everyday work life for hundreds of clients using The SynchroNet Way.

With our approach you get:

  • SynchroNet Way Cycle Gray Icon

    Standardization and a 100-point Best Practices checklist assigned to a dedicated network administrator.

  • SynchroNet Way Cycle Gray Icon

    Strategic planning at an executive level with a dedicated vCIO that keeps you on track for the long run.

  • SynchroNet Way Cycle Gray Icon

    Proactive support that monitors and protects your systems around the clock.

  • SynchroNet Way Cycle Gray Icon

    Reactive support from our friendly and caring customer support team who are always on the lookout for repeat issues.

The Synchronet Way Home Buffalo IT Support Services

Roll the Dice With Microsoft 365 IT Support

Microsoft 365 IT Support Dice

Microsoft 365 is a major investment for businesses of all sizes. Without the right Microsoft IT support you could sacrifice your return on that investment and undercut your productivity.

Don't leave your business's success to chance. Make Microsoft 365 work harder for your team with our help.