Understanding Ransomware as a Service

There is a growing underground of cybercriminals intent on making money off of exploiting your data. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that takes control of your network, infecting computers and causes damage to your files. This type of software used to only be available to a select few cybercriminals who were able to…

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How Ransomware Affects Businesses

Ransomware is one of the most difficult things that handle in cyber security. Programs like these start their history with the first computer viruses, and are a favorite by cyber criminals. But what exactly is ransomware and how can it affect your business? What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a malicious malware software that gets into…

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Can I Manage my Small Business IT Needs?

Every business owner knows how important it is to save money. This makes many companies to look at what departments are absolutely necessary. One of the main things that small businesses will look to cut is their IT department. But is self managing IT needs a smart business plan? How much IT Support does your…

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IT Security: Policies and Technologies

When it comes to IT security there is no 100% sure solution. We all wish that we could install one program to stop all malware problems but the world is not that easy. The best IT security technology can only protect people if they are being smart on their computers. After all, humans error is…

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5 Essential IT Services You Should Get From an MSP

Outsourcing IT is becoming a more popular option than ever to help businesses that need affordable and effective IT solutions. But many businesses find that their outsourced IT does not give them the results they want. This leaves them wondering why they are paying for IT services at all. Too often businesses wait for their…

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Who’s to Blame After a Malware Attack?

Malware attacks are something we all have to be concerned about. Everyone is vulnerable and it can be very easy to make a mistake that can come back to haunt you. In one click on the mouse it is possible to infect a computer, or an entire company, with harmful software. So who is responsible…

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How MSPs help businesses Avoid Scams

It seems like there are always new stories of businesses, or people losing their data. The biggest companies have had security issues, and small businesses can be left destitute after being victims of a scam. Internet scams are not as easy to identify as they were 10 or even 5 years ago. The constant change…

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The Most Common IT Security Risks

IT security is what protects a business from being taken advantage of. A business cannot be safe without awareness of the lurking dangers, and plans to deal with them. Advancements in technology have allowed attackers to find new ways to get into secure systems. This is why it’s so important to know the most common…

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A View of COVID-19’s First Wave of Cybersecurity

COVID-19 changed the world in ways we never thought possible. While this pandemic hit us with new and seemingly insurmountable challenges, cybercriminals saw new opportunities to take advantage of. Here are the difficulties we will continue to see, and some thoughts on how to mitigate the damage from these events. The Rise in COVID-19 Related…

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COVID-19 Phishing Scams, and How to Avoid Them

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” is the mantra that phishers follow when taking advantage of societies in a state of panic. Criminals of all types invent new and horrific ways to exploit the fears and pains of the people suffering from the pandemic. Here are some of the methods cybercriminals will employ…

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