How Ransomware Affects Businesses

Ransomware is one of the most difficult things that handle in cyber security. Programs like these start their history with the first computer viruses, and are a favorite by cyber criminals. But what exactly is ransomware and how can it affect your business? What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a malicious malware software that gets into…

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Who’s to Blame After a Malware Attack?

Malware attacks are something we all have to be concerned about. Everyone is vulnerable and it can be very easy to make a mistake that can come back to haunt you. In one click on the mouse it is possible to infect a computer, or an entire company, with harmful software. So who is responsible…

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Will Healthier Employees Weaken Your Data Security Immune System?

Good companies care about their employees. Sadly, a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, supports the old admonition that we “always hurt the one we love.” So while it’s nice that businesses want to keep their workers fit, employee wellness programs may actually pose risks to the healthcare data of those very employees. About…

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Who Does Ransomware Target?

Another popular enterprise for Russian cybercriminals is organizing ransomware campaigns that target Western companies and individuals. Click on a ransomware-infected link or email attachment and you’ll be helping these thieves “earn” a salary that is—on average—13 times that of average Russian wages. (In case you need a refresher, ransomware is malicious software designed to block…

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Ransomware Threat Grows for Small Businesses

Since we know everyone who gets our e-newsletter consumes every single word with gusto, you will have noticed we did an article about ransomware last month. Unfortunately small businesses are increasingly targeted by these cyber-criminals, so we felt it important to emphasize the danger with another article on the topic. As you’ll remember, ransomware is…

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