EDR and SOC Solutions for Your Buffalo Business

Why Your Business Needs Modern EDR and SOC Solutions There was a time when IT security for business owners was mostly centered on firewalls and antivirus software. To a certain extent, this was a sensible solution because information security in those days was mostly preventative, but this is no longer the right approach. The modern…

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Android Security Tips for 2022

Even if you are not interested in topics related to information technology, there is a good chance that you have heard about Windows being the most popular operating system for desktop computers. While the market share Microsoft commands on the desktop is quite impressive, it actually pales in comparison to the global market share of…

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Why Physical and Cyber Security Go Hand in Hand

In the world of information security, there is a certain culture of appreciation for hacking skills. Kernel hackers, for example, are highly respected because finding vulnerabilities hidden within millions of lines of code is not an easy task. Two other hacking activities that rank pretty high on the underground totem pole are social engineering and…

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Keep Your Smartphone Secure With These Measures

There is no question that the arrival and consistent progress of mobile technology has greatly elevated our ability to conduct business. From a productivity and operational point of view, taking full advantage of mobile technology makes perfect sense, but this effort can backfire if mobile security risks and threats are not properly addressed. When you…

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Smartphone Security

Smartphone Security Risks We Should All Worry About As part of our commitment to clients, SynchroNet technicians strive to stay on top of cyber security trends that affect not only business operations but also personal life. In the early days of SynchroNet, mobile security was not a priority, but that changed soon after companies such…

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Cyber Security and Small Business

What Makes Cyber Security Insurance Essential for Small Business Owners? Business owners do not have to operate global enterprises in order to reap the benefits of cyber insurance policies. As long as your company operations are largely contained within digital platforms, particularly those that connect to the internet, it doesn’t really matter if your business…

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The Ongoing Convergence of IT Security and Cyber Insurance

Do I Really Need To Worry About Getting Hacked? The rapid expansion of the cyber threat space affects business owners in just about every industry. Information security risks multiply at an exponential rate, which is why SynchroNet clients know that getting hacked is something they can count on happening these days. At SynchroNet, we explain…

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The Time to Strengthen Your Cyber Defense is Now

The Cyber War Battlefield Has Changed The time to improve the information security structure of your business is now; such was the gist of a speech delivered by United States President Joe Biden during the second quarterly Business Roundtable held by the White House this year. President Biden made direct reference to the Russian invasion…

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What You Should Know About Cyber Security Insurance

Businesses And International Cyber Warfare At the Q1 2022 Business Roundtable conference hosted by the White House, United States President Joe Biden explained the cyber security implications of Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine in February. While this may sound like a topic that should be focused on protecting critical infrastructure and national security, the reason…

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How to Increase Smartphone Security

The state of mobile security around the world is a popular topic of conversation among SynchroNet technicians. We get to meet many clients who are not aware of the multiple threats and risks they can bring into their businesses and personal lives just by using their smartphones in unsecure manners. Just about all of us…

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