To be fair, Russia does contribute more to the cyber-world than a bunch of organized criminals. One example of Russian thoughtfulness is related to the Pokemon Go craze.
Now, we’ve never played Pokemon Go, but it seems the game requires you to use your smartphone to locate Pokemon at random sites ranging from private homes to national landmarks. This, it turns out, can be a safety hazard as players look at their phones rather than where they are going. Not surprisingly, there have been a few notable Pokemon Go accidents:
- A 15-year old was hit by a car while crossing a busy highway in Pennsylvania.
- Two men in Southern California walked off a cliff and had to be hospitalized.
- A Pokemon-distracted driver in Baltimore drove his minivan into a police cruiser.
As these examples of human carelessness make headlines, a bank in Russia has taken notice. Fortune magazine reports that SbérBank, Russia’s largest bank and life insurer, is now offering free Pokemon Go-related accident coverage to Poké-players visiting PokéStops near bank branches across Moscow. We hope everyone who needs such coverage will avail themselves of the bank’s generosity.
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