Pen Tests-Diagnosing Security Concerns

Pen tests, also known as penetration testing, are a set of procedures that can diagnose potential security concerns within a company. A pen test usually involves ethical hackers trying whatever possible means they can think of in order to break into a company’s computers. This isn’t a malicious attack though. Instead, it’s an attempt to…

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SynchroNet Teaches You How to Spot Phishing Emails

SynchroNews is a service from SynchroNet that aims to keep our clients up-to-date with dispatches from the front lines of information security. One of our most popular SynchroNews series is related to phishing, a cyber security threat that targets business email accounts, and which is estimated to cause millions of dollars in weekly losses around…

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Everyday Tips To Prevent Being Hacked

The online world can be a dangerous place if you are not careful. There are cyber thieves that are just waiting to steal your information. Fortunately, the following security strategies will help you stay safe online. Change the Way That You View Looking at the Internet Many people do not think about all of the…

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If SynchroNet had Been Around in 1776 – Part 2

Independence Day 1776: What If SynchroNet had been there?

This is Part 2 in our Independence Day Celebration … let’s keep thinking about what would have happened if SynchroNet had been around in 1776. If SynchroNet had Been Around in 1776 Working with Lafayette History buffs know how the French aristocrat, Marquis de Lafayette came to the aid of the American revolutionaries with his…

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If SynchroNet Had Been Around in 1776 – Part 1

Imagine The SynchroNet Way ... in 1776

Timeline be Darned … Because this is Going to be Good On July 4, we’ll celebrate our nation’s birth—241 years ago. As it turned out, declaring independence was the easy part; we still had to fight the Revolutionary War. Sure, we won (ergo, the celebration) but we got to wondering how much more easily things…

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Do You Have a Plan for Your Digital Estate?

What will you do with your digital estate?

Nothing’s Certain Except Death and Taxes, Right? Let’s lighten things up and discuss managing your online affairs after you pass away because having a plan for your digital estate is more important than you think. Downer though it may be, “digital estate planning” is something that not many people even think about. But consider this:…

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As If You Don’t Enough to Be Afraid Of… Introducing Self-coding Computer Viruses

Take just about any fictional monster, and somewhere there’s a fictional mad scientist who wants to make it even more dangerous. (Anyone remember Jurassic World?) Well, how about taking oh-so-real malware-nasty strings of code that cripple networks, steal data and generally wreak mayhem on the world … and imbuing it with artificial intelligence? Welcome to…

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Fearsome Amex Phishing Scam

We know this horror story: A trusted character is not who (or what) others think he is. Typically, movie audiences get to see the creature’s eyes glow or go all black when the onscreen victim isn’t looking. Devils behind a recent phishing scam that targeted American Express accounts, however, were fiendishly clever about hiding their…

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Are Humans Mean to Artificially Intelligent Entities?

Sometimes we are the fiends … science reveals that humans tend to be meaner to artificially intelligent entities than to other humans. Let’s find out why: A new incarnation of a 1970s thriller, Westworld, has begun airing on HBO to rave reviews and much excitement. The original film featured an android cowboy (Yul Brynner) walking…

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In Other Tales of Terror

As frightening as the recent Amex phishing scam was, it wasn’t the only monster-related cybersecurity incident to come to light during the past few weeks. Here are a few of the headliners: On September 22, Yahoo revealed that data from at least 500 million user accounts might have been stolen in one of the largest…

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