Inventions and Innovations Straight Outta Ireland

Since everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, we thought we’d mention some  inventions that we can now claim as part of our newly acquired heritage. As listed at Irish Central (seriously, it’s a website) here are 10 notable inventions by our Irish brethren: Color Photography Invented by John Joly, Bracknagh, Ireland (1857 – 1933)…

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But Sam I Am, I Like My White Spam!

Okay, so you have an e-mail inbox that’s just bursting at the seams with critical updates, immensely important notifications and e-newsletters that will eventually unlock the mysteries of the universe and set you on the path to eternal bliss. Nevertheless, it all makes for more of a mess than you’d like. Here are some suggestions…

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Do You REALLY Want That Email?

We all like free stuff. If the lady in the supermarket deli offers a sample hors d’oeuvre, we say, “Why not?” A free car wash after we fill up the gas tank? “Why not?” A free puppy? “Why …” hmmm.  And that’s the issue. Sometimes “free” comes with a commitment that we really don’t want…

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What is “White Spam?

Let’s say you’re investigating a subject that’s important to you (maybe something related to your business) and you’re lucky enough to discover a very informative website. The online pages are full of well-written, useful content that speaks directly to your interest. As you peruse the site, you notice the offer of a free e-newsletter. “Of…

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Warning Signs of Inbox Overload

With 80,000 employees receiving an average of 100 emails each in their inbox, one French communications company, Atos, found that only about 15% of the messages were actually useful. To stem the tide, Atos took the seemingly radical step of banning internal emails (BBC News). As well, the Radicati Group reports that 42% of corporate…

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Outlook… Charm or Curse?

Do you open Outlook and check your email as soon as you sit down at your desk each day? If you do, you’re not alone. The average professional switches applications 30 times an hour to check or answer messages… and the effect on productivity can be staggering. Outlook…Charm or Curse? According to McKinsey Global Institute, reading…

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Getting Support the SynchroNet Way During the Holiday Season

During the holiday season, many employees take time off to enjoy family and friends.  But just because the holiday season is upon us, doesn’t mean that business slows down.  We know how vital your computer network and systems are to your business operations. Keeping everything operating at optimal efficiency during the holiday season and throughout…

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Happy Holidays (or DEFCON Countdown?)

Do you know where the term ‘Black Friday’ comes from? After searching for open parking places, seeing empty shelves instead of advertised items, and arguing with exhausted employees, you might think it refers to everyone’s mood. But actually the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday because it supposedly puts many companies ‘in the black’…

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Malvertising: That’s No Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

In the spirit of Halloween—and just in case ransomware isn’t scary enough—we have something else to keep you awake at night: “malvertising.” Malvertising (malicious advertising) poses as online advertisements to spread malware by injecting malicious banners into legitimate online advertising networks and Webpages.  Usually, the objective is to control the victim’s operating software, redirecting them…

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