Cybersecurity for Companies: Top Email Security Practices

cyber security for companies

There is nothing quite like your never-ending email inbox at work. So and so is asking for a file you sent them days ago, meeting invites and important project discussions all vying for your attention. While email is still a top contender for communication at work, it was not originally set up to be secure.…

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How to Choose a Managed Services Provider

How to Choose a Managed Services Provider

In the year of 2022, the managed services industry attained a staggering valuation, surpassing $267 billion. Enlightened businesses discerned the economic wisdom of entrusting vital business functions to external specialists, thereby liberating themselves from the burdens of an in-house workforce. However, how to choose a managed services provider (MSP) demands meticulous deliberation, accompanied by a…

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10 Must-Know Remote IT Support Benefits for Businesses in 2023

Benefits of Remote IT Support

As businesses adapt to new ways of operating in 2023 one significant change taking place is the growing acceptance of remote work coupled with the value add offered through the benefits of remote IT support services. This shift has led many companies and their staff members alike to rethink traditional notions about what sets up…

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Email Management for Security and Efficiency

The popular image that the Hollywood film and television industry has created to depict hackers often ignores how business-savvy many of them are. The most sophisticated cybercrime groups know a lot about modern business operations because they conduct significant research in this regard. Corporate culture is something else hackers are very familiar with, and therefore…

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EDR and SOC Solutions for Your Buffalo Business

Why Your Business Needs Modern EDR and SOC Solutions There was a time when IT security for business owners was mostly centered on firewalls and antivirus software. To a certain extent, this was a sensible solution because information security in those days was mostly preventative, but this is no longer the right approach. The modern…

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Protecting Your Business From Phishing

Protect Your Business from Phishing Through Staff Education and Training The acclaimed television drama series “Mr. Robot,” which ran on the USA Network through four seasons, focused on the chaotic life of an information security specialist who becomes embroiled with a radical group dedicated to hacktivism. One of the most celebrated aspects of the series…

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Why Physical and Cyber Security Go Hand in Hand

In the world of information security, there is a certain culture of appreciation for hacking skills. Kernel hackers, for example, are highly respected because finding vulnerabilities hidden within millions of lines of code is not an easy task. Two other hacking activities that rank pretty high on the underground totem pole are social engineering and…

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Keep Your Smartphone Secure With These Measures

There is no question that the arrival and consistent progress of mobile technology has greatly elevated our ability to conduct business. From a productivity and operational point of view, taking full advantage of mobile technology makes perfect sense, but this effort can backfire if mobile security risks and threats are not properly addressed. When you…

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Email Safety is Just as Important as Email Security

Ever since the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol was established by Postel in the early 1980s, hackers have been interested in turning email into the ultimate attack surface. SMTP was quickly adopted by the scientific, academic, business, and government sectors as a favorite means of digital communications, and we can safely say that this has not…

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Why Business Email Security is Vital to Prevent Phishing

Phishing has become one of the most dangerous cyber threats in the history of information security. In essence, phishing is a form of social engineering that consists of fooling someone into giving up sensitive information such as credit card numbers, username/password credential, or confidential business documents. At SynchroNet, our information security specialists stay up to…

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