How to Protect Yourself from MFA Vulnerabilities

Security experts agree; there is a soaring rise in Multi-Factor Authentication (or MFA) vulnerability attacks. In the face of most offices now being forced to work remotely, concerns are growing about its reduced effectiveness in the face of staff absences. Let’s go over how Multi-Factor Authentication protects your data, what vulnerabilities we know of in…

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Best Practices for Cybersecurity for Your Company

Best Cybersecurity Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Thanks to the COVID-19 outbreak, small and medium businesses now share cybersecurity threats that large enterprises handle daily. Since far more people work from home, IT staff in enterprises of all sizes have to deal with more vulnerabilities than ever. As small and medium-sized businesses also have…

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How AI Can Help Your Company Avoid Cyber Threats

How AI and Machine Learning Can Thwart (or Assist in) Cyber Threats AI and machine learning tools are critical for handling today’s cybersecurity threats because AI and machine learning are now also in the hands of criminals. The threat of cybercriminals weaponizing AI and machine learning to boost and expand their attacks is all too…

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How Human Perception Can Increase Security Risks

Perception Biases in Information Security Threats (and How to Mitigate Their Risks) The current situation with the pandemic presents both technological and human-factor challenges for security. To maintain both personal and organizational security, people must make realistic observations of security risks.  Here are the different cognitive biases we make, how it affects information security, and…

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How to Efficiently Work from Home

How to Keep Your Network Safe While Working at Home Because of the pandemic, many companies need to work remotely. As a result, they are struggling to maintain business continuity and security. The need to migrate all office work to online platforms exposes businesses to more risks of cyberattacks. The tasks business owners must juggle…

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That RFP Email May Not Be What It Seems!

RFP Emails Aren't What They Seem

Beware RFP Emails According to the Better Business Bureau Did you think we’d ever need to talk about RFP Emails? Well, it’s a new month, so there must be another cyberscam to worry about, right? Well, of course there is! This latest warning comes from the Better Business Bureau, and this con utilizes an email…

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Phishing First Aid

Your work day has just begun. You’re waiting for your coffee to cool enough to sip as your computer powers up. You open your email inbox. You see a message from your bank. You bemusedly wonder why your bank is sending a message to your work email rather than your personal address. You open the…

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What Information is AutoFill Giving Away?

We often address the subject of security, so we want to warn you about new trick being employed by hackers: the information AutoFill is giving away. If you’ve ever completed an online registration for anything, you’ve probably encountered the “autofill” function used by Google Chrome, Safari and other programs. This is when your computer tries to…

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Are You Taking Chances with Your Cyber Security?

It’s only human to know what’s good for us but still not do it. The recent 2016 Norton Cybersecurity Insights Report from Symantec shows this also goes for protecting ourselves from cyber criminals. While we won’t expect anyone to come out and admit it, look at a few of Symantec’s findings and ask yourself if…

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