Does Your Email Deliver Full Value?

For many of us, email was the first computer application we ever used. The software quickly grew more sophisticated-becoming not just a way to send and receive messages, but also how we schedule meetings and set reminders.

As it has continued to evolve, email can now be synced with smartphones and tablets and can gather communications from a wide variety of sources-not just other email addresses, but also outlets like Twitter and Facebook. Add-ons such as OneNote or applications like Evernote work with email to enable “free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration.” For businesses and organizations of any size, email is not only an indispensable tool, but it also offers a competitive advantage for those who fully employ its modern capabilities.

Yet as the inbox becomes the central hub for communications, the issue arises on how best to handle all the information collected by our email systems. Effective email management process becomes critical for:

Record Management

How often have you searched through your old emails for what turned out to be an important message? Or what about an email from three years ago that’s suddenly become evidence in litigation? Additionally, there are no laws in place requiring many companies to retain business documents including electronic messages. Email management will help on all fronts, including data storage to ease the burden on your servers. But what if an employee leaves, is terminated, or deletes too much of their inbox? At SynchroNet, we can help you institute an archiving solution so that you can retain all emails transmitted on your domain, even if an email account is no longer active. This will give you admin-access to advanced search functionality so that you can review emails later or as necessary for any email and for any period of time, forever.


Melissa, ILOVEYOU, Nimda, and more recently the Crypo family of viruses … these are the names of some of the more infamous viruses that have wreaked havoc among computer users. What they all had in common is transmission through email. Such viruses can destroy files; bring productivity to a standstill; and even open up computer systems to hacker raids. The security measures provided by email management delivers the rewards without the risks. We at SycnrhoNet put protections in place to protect you with Anti-virus and spam protection, but it’s also important to have a backup in place if all else fails to restore a corrupted system to its uncorrupted state. Backups like this are a standard part of the SynchroNet Way.

Integrated Communication

If your email system merely mimics what the Post Office did (albeit faster and cheaper), you’re really not getting the full benefit of your electronic communication. Email management will simultaneously network your computer terminals, smartphones, and any other mobile devices, as well as establishing remote access to countless other communication points.  This means you can have your email on all of your devices at the same time. If you use a chat tool like Lync, Google Hangouts, Trillian or another-or if you’re looking for a tool for instant communication-SynchroNet can help you configure the tool best-suited to your environment.


About a 100 billion spam messages are sent every day, costing tens of billions of dollars in lost time just to delete it all. A good email management system will always include a spam solution to protect worker productivity. Of course, count on us to maintain your spam protection, although some messages may still slip through-use discernment when opening suspicious items!

At SynchroNet, we’ll be happy to advise you regarding your email software. At the same time, our email management service can help you get the greatest value from whatever system you deploy.

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SynchroNet Team

SynchroNet is a leading managed service provider in Buffalo, NY, delivering high-quality IT solutions since 1998. With a focus on customer support and the SynchroNet Way, we offer reliable managed IT services, cloud solutions, cybersecurity, and business continuity planning to small and mid-sized businesses. As a trusted technology partner, we help organizations in Western New York thrive through expert IT support, ransomware protection, and Microsoft solutions.

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