Solving Staffing Shortages: IT Helpdesk Support

IT helpdesk support is a vital part of your business as it provides technical support to your employees and customers. But as your business grows, so do your IT needs. If your IT helpdesk is drowning in a sea of tickets, it may be time to outsource your support. Outsourcing this department can also help solve IT staffing shortages and scale your business effectively. 

What Does Outsourced IT Helpdesk Support Look Like?

Outsourced IT helpdesk support is an extension of your internal IT team or a way to gain access to IT professionals at your organization. This service is typically provided by a remote IT service. There is a wide range of services that your outsourced IT helpdesk can support:

  • Device management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Technical support 
  • Maintenance updates 
  • Login assistance
  • Software and feature installation
  • Break/fix services 
  • And more

Benefits of Outsourcing IT Helpdesk Support 

When you outsource you can say goodbye to long wait times, employees’ tech frustrations and declining productivity due to technology issues. Say hello to reduced IT costs, flexible service options and many more benefits. 

One of the biggest reasons companies outsource their IT helpdesk to SynchroNet is to reduce overall IT costs. You only need to pay for the level of service that you need; many IT service providers offer customized elements or tiered levels to their service packages. Hiring and training new staff takes time and money, outsourcing allows you to scale effectively and quickly. 

When partnering with SynchroNet you will gain access to a larger group of IT professionals. This deeper bench can significantly reduce response time when compared with an IT staff of just one or two IT professionals. Resolutions will come about more quickly and keep your team members more productive. 

With today’s remote or hybrid working schedules, IT issues can occur when internal IT team members are off the clock. With outsourced IT helpdesk support, you’ll be able to resolve issues 24/7/365. To ensure reliable support, make sure any service level agreements guarantee resolution rates or specific response times. 

Outsourcing your IT helpdesk can help solve staffing shortages or alleviate overworked IT staff. You do not have to outsource your entire helpdesk operations. If your organization has any specialized tasks that are unique to you, you can keep those in-house, then leverage outsourced IT helpdesk support for any general IT or technology issues. 

Lastly, outsourcing your IT helpdesk allows your internal IT team to focus on core business functions in order to help your business grow. With fewer administrative tasks, they can be more productive on important business initiatives. 

Is Outsourcing IT Helpdesk Support Right for Your Business?

Small businesses can benefit just as much as larger enterprises from outsourced IT helpdesk support. If you struggle with managing your IT support needs and are looking for ways to improve efficiency, then you will want to consider outsourcing. 

Here are some signs that outsourcing your IT helpdesk support is right for your organization:

  • Your organization is experiencing long wait times or slow resolutions.
  • Your internal IT staff is overloaded and can’t focus on business initiatives.
  • Your company needs to scale quickly, and does not have time to hire and train new staff.
  • Your employees’ decline in productivity is due to tech issues. 

Solve Your Staff Shortages With SynchroNet’s Outsourced IT Helpdesk support 

IT staffing shortages do not need to hold your business back from growth. When you outsource your IT helpdesk support to SynchroNet, you’ll gain IT knowhow and resources to keep your business running smoothly. 
Ready to leverage a powerful team of IT experts? Book a meeting with us today to help your company become more productive.

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Jerry Sheehan

SynchroNet CEO Jerry Sheehan, a Buffalo, NY native and Canisius University graduate with a Bachelor's in Management Information Systems, has been a prominent figure in the IT business world since 1998. His passion lies in helping individuals and organizations enhance their productivity and effectiveness, finding excitement in the challenges and changes that each day brings. Jerry’s commitment to making people and businesses better fuels his continued success and enthusiasm in his field!

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