New Cyber Security Rules in Effect for New York

Banking Cyber Security Affects New Yorkers

Banking Cyber Security … It’s for Your Protection As fellow New Yorkers, you may be interested to know that your bank is now expected to take a more active role in Cyber Security. This means making sure partnering businesses protect their networks and customer data. The banks (state chartered as well as foreign banks licensed…

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“New and Improved” Doesn’t Always Mean Better

"New and Improved" isn't Always Better

Worried that you’re missing out? If you’re in your 30s or older, you’ve witnessed amazing technological advances in a short span of time. Every day, there seems to be new, improved, and more-exciting gizmos on the market. And if you haven’t been paying attention for a while, as if, for instance, you’ve busy earning a…

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Phishing First Aid

Your work day has just begun. You’re waiting for your coffee to cool enough to sip as your computer powers up. You open your email inbox. You see a message from your bank. You bemusedly wonder why your bank is sending a message to your work email rather than your personal address. You open the…

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An Employee Valentine

Since February is wrapped around Valentine’s Day, we wanted to mention how important our own staff is in showing our customers the love they deserve. To make sure our clients benefit from The SynchroNet Way, we bring in talented men and women who warmly embrace our philosophy of helping customers get the best value on…

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Will Healthier Employees Weaken Your Data Security Immune System?

Good companies care about their employees. Sadly, a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, supports the old admonition that we “always hurt the one we love.” So while it’s nice that businesses want to keep their workers fit, employee wellness programs may actually pose risks to the healthcare data of those very employees. About…

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What Information is AutoFill Giving Away?

We often address the subject of security, so we want to warn you about new trick being employed by hackers: the information AutoFill is giving away. If you’ve ever completed an online registration for anything, you’ve probably encountered the “autofill” function used by Google Chrome, Safari and other programs. This is when your computer tries to…

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Are You Taking Chances with Your Cyber Security?

It’s only human to know what’s good for us but still not do it. The recent 2016 Norton Cybersecurity Insights Report from Symantec shows this also goes for protecting ourselves from cyber criminals. While we won’t expect anyone to come out and admit it, look at a few of Symantec’s findings and ask yourself if…

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Going Away for the Holidays?

This article may be a bit of a re-run, but we thought it still might be helpful to revisit (and supplement) the steps business owners and professionals should take if they’re closing shop for a few days. Let your customers know ahead of time that you’ll be closed. You may also want to leave contact…

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