The SynchroNet Way Sees Each Customer as Special

If you work with technology, you’re probably familiar with the ‘Everybody Stuff’: those are the things that ‘everybody’ in IT managed services does for their customers (i.e. security patches, backup … spam control). But we understand that businesses are looking for more than a cookie-cutter approach that fails to address that organization’s goals and unique…

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Special IT Newsletter – Show Your Hardware that You Care

If your computer ever achieves the level of self-awareness we see in popular science fiction-from HAL 9000 to Wall-E- the first thing it’s likely to do with that artificial intelligence is complain about being taken for granted. Here are a few things you can do to show your hardware some love: Keep it clean. In…

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Windows 10?

(Whatever happened to Windows 9?) A few months ago, we mentioned that Windows 9 was coming and that we were looking out for it. So what happened to it? Well, it seems that Microsoft is trying to demonstrate that they are finally listening to users and incorporating user feedback. Rather than continue their incremental improvement…

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Beware of Phony “IT Support” Calls

Phone calls from “Microsoft Tech Support” or from “Your IT support” are a scam. You could be at home or in your office, possibly in front of your computer, when your phone rings. Someone identifies himself as “Microsoft Technical Support”, or as “your IT support” and says your computer has a serious vulnerability or is…

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Starting 2015 with SynchroNet

The New Year is underway, and we’re excited about all of the great things we know this year will bring! We also look forward to helping you achieve new business goals and build on past successes. How? Four ways: By ensuring that you continue get the most value from your IT investments via The SynchroNet…

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It’s the Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season and for many of us-especially those who operate smaller professional service firms-that means closing up shop for a few days to spend time with friends and family. Here are a few things that should make the check list before locking your business doors. Do your customers know you’re going to be…

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On the Road for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, quickly followed by the rest of the holiday line-up. For a lot of us, that means “to grandmother’s house we go!” If we’re lucky though, we may not actually have to stay with grandma or Uncle Bert or at any other private residence … and we can enjoy some respite from…

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The Need for (Internet) Speed… and Other Considerations

Let’s just imagine that you’ve become irritated with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or you’ve finally decided to open that piece of junk mail from a competing brand and you’re looking at what seems like a good deal. Is there a way to cut through all the promotional double talk and figure out which companies…

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Talking Turkey About Upgrades

When is it time to upgrade your computer hardware or software? A lot of vendors would like you to believe the answer to that question is “as soon as we have something new for you to buy.” However, you shouldn’t plop down your hard-earned money for new IT products until it makes economic and business…

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