Data Backups and Your Cyber Security Strategy

We live in times when we all need to become familiar with the hard truths of cyber security in the 21st century. At SynchroNet, we strongly believe that our clients should be able to clearly understand how today’s cyber threat environment directly affects them, and this is why we often state the following: * You…

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Endpoints- Malware Detection & Prevention

Not too long ago, cyber security for workstations and computers was only limited to firewall installation, with a quality antivirus application. It was a prevention-centered approach, but it is insufficient these days.  The current cyber threat environment has become too sophisticated for antivirus and firewalls to handle. SynchroNet understands the modern threats, and can provide…

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What You Should Know About Firewall Security in 2022

If you grew up around the time when the internet was coming of age thanks to the advent of graphical web browsers, you probably know that going online is an activity that should only be done with an updated antivirus software and an active firewall. For a long time, the firewall/antivirus combination was pretty much…

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Email Management Services by SynchroNet

Over the last couple of decades, quite a few means of digital messaging have emerged to ostensibly take the place of email in the workplace. Some of these efforts incorporate project management features along with social networking, but the business world has not shown a willingness to replace email, thus it remains as essential as…

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Employee Training: Ingrained Protection Against Cyber Crime

SynchroNet recommends that you make a point of training your people in order to improve your company’s cyber security. By scheduling regular training you’ll be able to hold your employees accountable. Your employees will become more confident in their ability to recognize email threats such as phishing or spear phishing, leaving you confident in your…

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Why Access Control is a Pillar of Information Security

Over the last few years, cyber security experts have been warning about the substantial risks posed by the traditional username/password system of network access. The arguments against passwords to access business networks are valid: Most users dislike them, and hackers have developed numerous strategies to either figure them out or thoroughly defeat them. There is…

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Understanding Malware Detection and Prevention

There was a time when cyber security for personal computers and workstations was mostly limited to installing a firewall along with a reliable and up-to-date antivirus application. This kind of approach, which is based on prevention, is largely insufficient nowadays. The cyber threat environment these days has become far too sophisticated for the firewall and…

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SynchroNet and Firewall Protection

A good firewall is the first defense against cyber intruders. In many cases, a firewall is all that’s necessary to keep your system safe because low-level intruders are simply searching for networks that are easy to breach. Most will move on to the next target on the list if your firewall resists. Firewalls block unauthorized…

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SynchroNet Teaches You How to Spot Phishing Emails

SynchroNews is a service from SynchroNet that aims to keep our clients up-to-date with dispatches from the front lines of information security. One of our most popular SynchroNews series is related to phishing, a cyber security threat that targets business email accounts, and which is estimated to cause millions of dollars in weekly losses around…

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Everyday Tips To Prevent Being Hacked

The online world can be a dangerous place if you are not careful. There are cyber thieves that are just waiting to steal your information. Fortunately, the following security strategies will help you stay safe online. Change the Way That You View Looking at the Internet Many people do not think about all of the…

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