Complying with the New York Shield Act

New York Shield Act-Crash Course You are responsible for making sure that people’s personal information is kept secure. The SHIELD Act, which was signed into place by the NY governor, requires that all businesses take the necessary safety precautions to keep information secure. Every business in Buffalo and other places in NY need to the do…

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Fighting Hacks by Building Awareness

Data breaches and cyber hacks are more prevalent than ever before. Concerns about cyber security are absolutely warranted in today’s technological landscape. It seems like every year several of the biggest organizations lose millions of people’s data. How can we stop these kinds of attacks from happening to our own business? Well, one of the…

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Why You Need Cyber Security Today!

Small businesses are an essential part of our functioning economy. As consumers we need to do our part to keep these businesses running, but small business owners need to plan for the future. To most business people they think about long term profits, costs, and unexpected changes in the market. However, what most people are…

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Understanding Social Engineered Phishing Attacks

Cyber security does not begin and end online. Many people are surprised to find that social engineering and real world attackers are extremely common. This is a part of cyber security that most people don’t ever think about.  Here are some ways that people are using social engineering and other real world attacks to get…

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Why Cyber Security is Important for Small Businesses

Cyber security is one of the most important things on the mind of every business owner. However, many small business owners undervalue just how important it is to focus on cyber security. All the small things that it takes to be safe take time, and money, and many people just do not see the value.…

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Combating Phishing without Technology

There is nothing more important than protecting your data. Whether personal information or business data, any leaked information could come back to harm you. This is why it’s so important to do the right things to protect yourself. But when it comes to protecting business data it doesn’t always come down to having expensive IT…

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How Hackers Think: Protecting your Business

“If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat,” Sun Tzu (Author of the Art of War). In every sporting event, battle, or negotiation it is always advised to know your adversary. This is the only good way to make sure that you are prepared. If…

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Why Data Management is an Investment

The journey to success is not an easy one. The best way to reach your business goals is to give yourself the tools and resources needed to get ahead of the competition. While this may take a bit of money at the start, good investments can pay off in incredible ways. One of the best…

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What is My Role to Stop a Malware Attack?

Cyber attacks are becoming more common than ever. The black market for Ransomware and Malware has become a billion dollar industry, and that is not going to change anytime soon. This is why it’s so important to understand each person’s role in your organization, and how you can work together to avoid a cyber attack.…

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Top Tech Considerations for Small Business Owners

There is so much to consider when you are a CEO or small business owner. Having a strong team around you is the only way to make sure the jobs are getting done in the right way. But what are the top tech considerations for small business owners when building a strong IT team? Finding…

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