Microsoft Teams Tips: 18 Essential Tips

Microsoft Teams Tips

Microsoft Teams is a powerhouse in the world of corporate collaboration and meeting applications. We can help you benefit from this service whether your workforce operates from the office or remotely. Teams is a Microsoft tool that seamlessly integrates into your business, regardless of size.  Teams offers features to help streamline work, including the ability…

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Keep Your Smartphone Secure With These Measures

There is no question that the arrival and consistent progress of mobile technology has greatly elevated our ability to conduct business. From a productivity and operational point of view, taking full advantage of mobile technology makes perfect sense, but this effort can backfire if mobile security risks and threats are not properly addressed. When you…

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Pen Tests-Diagnosing Security Concerns

Pen tests, also known as penetration testing, are a set of procedures that can diagnose potential security concerns within a company. A pen test usually involves ethical hackers trying whatever possible means they can think of in order to break into a company’s computers. This isn’t a malicious attack though. Instead, it’s an attempt to…

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Email and Cyber Security

SynchroNet recommends companies up their email game to improve their cybersecurity. Two simple steps can make a huge difference in securing a company’s email. The first step begins by using a professionally managed email filter. It’s estimated that about 48% of global email is spam of one sort or another. This often means that a…

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SynchroNet Teaches You How to Spot Phishing Emails

SynchroNews is a service from SynchroNet that aims to keep our clients up-to-date with dispatches from the front lines of information security. One of our most popular SynchroNews series is related to phishing, a cyber security threat that targets business email accounts, and which is estimated to cause millions of dollars in weekly losses around…

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Everyday Tips To Prevent Being Hacked

The online world can be a dangerous place if you are not careful. There are cyber thieves that are just waiting to steal your information. Fortunately, the following security strategies will help you stay safe online. Change the Way That You View Looking at the Internet Many people do not think about all of the…

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Cyber Security: Why “Getting Started” Matters

We can spend months reviewing the tools and upgrades we know we need for better cyber safety and security. However, knowledge about better practices doesn’t make anything safer. You have to dive in. Here’s how to jump in with SynchroNet: Start by downloading the 10 Things Planning Worksheet. Next, create a structure for managing your…

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Five Simple Tips for Writing a Business Email

How to Write a Better Business Email

At SynchroNet, we’re all about IT. Still, we recognize there’s a human component to every electronic function. We believe, how we use a digital tool is as important as that tool’s capabilities. This is important to remember if we ever hope to get the most out of our computer systems. This includes the thought that…

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That RFP Email May Not Be What It Seems!

RFP Emails Aren't What They Seem

Beware RFP Emails According to the Better Business Bureau Did you think we’d ever need to talk about RFP Emails? Well, it’s a new month, so there must be another cyberscam to worry about, right? Well, of course there is! This latest warning comes from the Better Business Bureau, and this con utilizes an email…

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Could IT Help You with Next Year’s Taxes?

IT Can Actually Help You with Your Taxes

We know you’re probably done with your taxes for 2016, and we’d guess you’d rather not think about them anymore for at least a few months. But with the annual ordeal still fresh in your mind, now might be the best time to consider how technology can help you get ahead of the curve for…

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