The Latest Look at Cell Phone Health Risks

Mobile phones are staples to our modern lives. You may have been concerned to see recent headlines like this: Major Cell Phone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals “Game-Changing” Study Links Cell Phone Radiation to Cancer

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Are You Insured Against Cyber-Security Breaches?

Last month, we dedicated a newsletter article to insurance … specifically Cyber Insurance. Because this is such a complicated topic, we wanted to first remind you that no insurance policy covers everything … we’re all still responsible for taking common-sense precautions. But, as criminals grow ever more sophisticated, insurance riders like Cyber Insurance are no…

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Our Brave New World

We’ve had Roombas running around homes for several years now, sweeping and vacuuming floors. It’s easy to think of the gizmos as early versions of Rosie, the Jetson’s robot maid. But even George Jetson did his own driving (or flying, actually). But times are changing. Today, it appears self-driving cars are on the verge of…

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About those New Credit Cards with the Chips …

Sometime in the past year, your credit card company probably sent you a new card — one with an obvious chip installed on the front. (If you have not received one, don’t worry, you will.) The new cards are rolling out to help improve security against fraud by encrypting customer data and by creating a…

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Prevention is Better than Insurance

If you deal with sensitive customer data and information, you may have considered purchasing “cyber insurance.” For those unfamiliar with the term, the International Risk Management Institute explains, “Cyber and privacy policies cover a business’ liability for a data breach in which the firm’s customers’ personal information, such as Social Security or credit card numbers,…

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Words of Wisdom about Data Security

Your friends at SynchroNet are always available to help you with your data security issues … especially as they pertain to financial information. Since the proverbial ‘ounce of prevention’ is always preferable to the ‘pound of cure,’ here are a a few security measures that will go a long way toward keeping your business data…

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PCI DSS Compliance? … It Actually is Your Business

Handing your credit card to a cashier, repeating your credit card information over the phone to a customer service representative, or entering your information online … these moments require your trust and confidence that any charges arising from the transaction will be legitimate. Correspondingly, as a merchant, you have a duty to ensure that consumers’…

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Nine Ways to Make Managing Business Finances Easier

The tax-filing deadline is upon us. If you’ve recently had some uncomfortable conversations with your accountant, you may be wondering how to make the process go more smoothly in the future. You could start by using the following financial management tools and practices: Accounting Software – You’ve probably heard of QuickBooks, but there are other…

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Setting Goals, Not Rainbows, Is the Way to Your Pot of Gold

Maybe on March 17 you can count on the luck of the Irish, but we at SynchroNet prefer to put our faith in planning for success with proven, repeatable processes-e.g. The SynchroNet Way. And how, exactly do we know what constitutes that success? That’s where goals come into play: Set goals that truly provide motivation…

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What Does Your Smartphone Have in Common with a Leprechaun?

One is a magical being out of Irish lore, the other is a modern technological marvel. What could leprechauns and smartphones possibly have in common? We don’t really know where they come from – Yes, we know leprechauns are from Ireland, but where exactly in Ireland? Do they have a hometown? Heck, do they even…

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