IT Resources
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from the SynchroNet team

IT Resources and Blog

Find the latest in IT news, ebooks, insights and more from the SynchroNet team

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On the Road for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, quickly followed by the rest of the holiday line-up. For a lot of us, that means...

The Need for (Internet) Speed… and Other Considerations

Let's just imagine that you've become irritated with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or you've finally decided to open that...

Talking Turkey About Upgrades

When is it time to upgrade your computer hardware or software? A lot of vendors would like you to believe...

Important Message from SynchroNet

Virus Alert: Please Read and Share this Urgent Advisory! A serious threat to your computer networks has emerged-Cryptowall 2.0. This...

HELP! I’ve Lost My [Phone] [Tablet]…

Do you have a smart phone or a tablet? Of course you do! So, let's pretend that you leave one...

Don’t Pick ‘Treats’ and Get ‘Tricks’ Instead!

With Halloween just around the corner, we at SynchroNet are thinking about tricks and treats. While this can be an...

Device Rated PG: Parental Guidance Required

Now that kids across Western New York are back in school, we've been thinking about kids and technology. You know,...

Database Management Systems … Worth the Investment?

Big Data. Everyone wants it, but no one really knows what it is (unless you're Big Blue, that is). Well,...

Windows 9 is Upon Us

Are you an early adopter ... one of those technophiles who camps out overnight at the Apple Store to be...



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