IT Resources
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IT Resources and Blog

Find the latest in IT news, ebooks, insights and more from the SynchroNet team

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Taking a Non-Technical Approach to Technology

Computer geeks aside, most people are intimidated to some degree by technology. They learn to run just the apps needed...

Business Continuity – Why Planning for Failure is as Important as Planning for Growth

What is BackupMyNet? This product/service offers consistency and predictability when protecting our client's data. At any point there is a...

Bothered By Facebook Ad Tracking?

If you're a Facebook user, you may have noticed (and been bothered by) ads that eerily match your online browsing...

The SynchroNet Way: Network Administration

As part of our service, we provide Network Administration where we: Send an engineer on-site to check out how you're...

Understand “the Cloud” and it Could be a Rainmaker

As PC Magazine explains, "In simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead...

Yes, I Can HaaS New Technology

Are you familiar with the term, "early adopter?" Basically, this is someone determined to be "first on the block" to...

Password Mayhem

In January of this year, a news report came out about the most popular passwords of 2013. Would you care...

BYOD. What’s That?

BYOD means "Bring Your Own Device". This is a phenomenon that will continue to grow as devices get more common, and...

Too Much of a Good Thing?

When you think of security for your IT network, you might think in terms of "locking out" hackers or others...



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