How Office Printers Can Be Compromised by Physical Security Hackers

Within hacking culture, certain methods to break into IT systems hold more weight than others. News about complex, daring, and sophisticated attacks result in greater respect from other hackers. When this respect is conveyed on underground discussion forums, it becomes a badge of honor. Over the last few years, physical security hacking has become an…

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How Cyber Security Risks Can Turn Into Physical Security Threats

The crossroads of information security and physical security is something that we closely follow at SynchroNet. Ever since manufacturers of electronic devices began rolling out connected devices such as IP surveillance cameras and motion detection sensors with internet connectivity, the cyber security landscape has become more challenging, and this has a lot to do with…

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Why Cyber Security Relies on Physical Security

We can no longer think about information security as a business process that is separate from physical security. These two aspects of business security and safety have been going through a period of convergence that has quickly accelerated over the last two decades. An easy way to illustrate the convergence of information and physical security…

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Email Safety is Just as Important as Email Security

Ever since the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol was established by Postel in the early 1980s, hackers have been interested in turning email into the ultimate attack surface. SMTP was quickly adopted by the scientific, academic, business, and government sectors as a favorite means of digital communications, and we can safely say that this has not…

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Why Business Email Security is Vital to Prevent Phishing

Phishing has become one of the most dangerous cyber threats in the history of information security. In essence, phishing is a form of social engineering that consists of fooling someone into giving up sensitive information such as credit card numbers, username/password credential, or confidential business documents. At SynchroNet, our information security specialists stay up to…

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Why Antivirus Protection is More Relevant Than Ever

In the world of information security, a virus is a piece of software that includes code instructions on how it should replicate itself and spread throughout systems. We associate this term with hackers and cybercrime, but it should be noted that virus program can also be crafted for non-malicious use such as file distribution routines.…

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How Does an MDR Protect Endpoints?

Endpoints are the ends within any network, people looking to interact with the network using a device. These devices are computers, servers, smartphones, laptops, workstations or tablets. These endpoints are openings to the world on the other side, through the traffic generated. This traffic includes web searches, file saves, downloads, and email exchanges. So, if you are…

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What Are Endpoints and How Do They Help?

What Are Endpoints? Endpoints are the final stop inside your network where people begin interacting with the technology. These endpoints are computers, servers, workstations, tablets, laptops, smartphones, etc.  You can consider them to be the doors that open from your network to the world outside. As they are doors, you have to guard the traffic…

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Endpoints- Malware Detection & Prevention

Not too long ago, cyber security for workstations and computers was only limited to firewall installation, with a quality antivirus application. It was a prevention-centered approach, but it is insufficient these days.  The current cyber threat environment has become too sophisticated for antivirus and firewalls to handle. SynchroNet understands the modern threats, and can provide…

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What You Should Know About Firewall Security in 2022

If you grew up around the time when the internet was coming of age thanks to the advent of graphical web browsers, you probably know that going online is an activity that should only be done with an updated antivirus software and an active firewall. For a long time, the firewall/antivirus combination was pretty much…

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