Understand “the Cloud” and it Could be a Rainmaker

As PC Magazine explains, “In simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.” Yet, there seems to be a gap between popular familiarity with ‘the cloud’ as a phrase and actual comprehension. Consider a new film in which Jay (played by Jason Siegel) exasperatedly…

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Yes, I Can HaaS New Technology

Are you familiar with the term, “early adopter?” Basically, this is someone determined to be “first on the block” to acquire the latest and greatest gizmo. Another good term for such people might be “guinea pigs” as they get to discover all the product’s bugs and then watch the price go down and down and…

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Password Mayhem

In January of this year, a news report came out about the most popular passwords of 2013. Would you care to guess the top two? Actually, that isn’t nearly as difficult as you might imagine. They were: #1 – 123456; #2 – password. Some people are just ridiculous, right? But, how often have you gone…

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BYOD. What’s That?

BYOD means “Bring Your Own Device”. This is a phenomenon that will continue to grow as devices get more common, and as people keep bringing their devices into the office. Here are some things to think about: Bandwidth BYOD can cause bandwidth issues and of course, bandwidth is how much internet connectivity you have. A lot…

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Too Much of a Good Thing?

When you think of security for your IT network, you might think in terms of “locking out” hackers or others who would do harm to your files or computer system. And the more padlocks and deadbolts you add, the better off you are, right? Not really … particularly if you are talking about anti-virus protection.…

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New Construction? Build SynchroNet In!

What entrepreneur, starting an enterprise in a garage or spare bedroom, doesn’t daydream about one day running a huge company with hundreds (or thousands) of employees? Fact is, growth is a goal of pretty much every business owner. And when the day comes to enlarge structural capacity or move to a bigger site to accommodate…

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RIP XP… (Almost) Gone but Not Forgotten

Twelve years after its initial launch, Microsoft is sun-setting Windows XP – an incredibly popular platform for workstations, tablets and laptops. D-Day is April 8, 2014. After that, there will be no more technical support from Microsoft. What does that mean for you? Microsoft will no longer provide updates or fix the security flaws found…

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Self-Diagnosis, a True Story of Frustration and Expense

(Plus, What Really Should Have Happened) Here is a true story we heard a few days ago from our marketing manager. Her father, a retired CEO, was having computer problems. We will call our protagonist Mike (mostly because it is his name). Mike spends a few hours trying to self-diagnose a problem-which has something to…

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Swapping Noah’s Ark Syndrome for Productivity

Noah’s Ark Syndrome is a highly expensive technology disorder that occurs when business owners and employees feel compelled to have two (or more) kinds of every technology: printers, desktops, versions of Microsoft Office … etc., stabled throughout their facility. If you have ever visited a place of business suffering from Noah’s Ark Syndrome, you probably…

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Dear Virtualization… Be our Valentine?

This is our love letter to Virtualization. See, virtualization is special. It enables us to optimize server hardware and software infrastructure. Businesses rely on servers to perform multiple business functions (like hosting your business applications). Some of these applications require their own servers, which means separate costs per server at the time of purchase, for…

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