Blog &
Business IT Articles

Blog & Business IT Articles

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What will you do with your digital estate?

Do You Have a Plan for Your Digital Estate?

Nothing's Certain Except Death and Taxes, Right? Let's lighten things up and discuss managing your online affairs after you pass...
An Emergency Message from SynchroNet

Dangerous Ransomware Reported Worldwide

Don't fall victim to ransomware called WannaCry. We all have a share in keeping ransomware like WannaCry at bay. Please...
WannaCry Ransomware ... History and Things We've Learned

More about the WannaCry Ransomware Attack

Since WannaCry ransomware began holding hundreds of thousands of computers hostage around the world, a lot has happened. We thought...
Pranksters Hack Internet of Things Alarms

‘Internet of Things’ Breach Sounds the Alarm (Literally)

Hackers usually like to work quietly, but that's not always the case ... as residents of Dallas can now attest...
IT Can Actually Help You with Your Taxes

Could IT Help You with Next Year’s Taxes?

We know you're probably done with your taxes for 2016, and we'd guess you'd rather not think about them anymore...
Banking Cyber Security Affects New Yorkers

New Cyber Security Rules in Effect for New York

Banking Cyber Security ... It's for Your Protection As fellow New Yorkers, you may be interested to know that your...
Do you use Gmail?

(Yet) Another Sneaky Phishing Scam

Do you use Google Gmail? Well you could be in someone's crosshairs as a potential victim of a phishing scam....
"New and Improved" isn't Always Better

“New and Improved” Doesn’t Always Mean Better

Worried that you're missing out? If you're in your 30s or older, you've witnessed amazing technological advances in a short...
Hacking and the Internet of Things

Hacking the Internet of Things: What Does Your Toaster Know About You … and Who Does It Tell?

You may have heard of the Internet of Things, or seen the IoT acronym and wondered what it means... especially...



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