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Blog & Business IT Articles

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The Vulnerabilities of Modern Physical Security Systems

The advent of physical security devices that connect to the Internet of Things (IoT) has been a boon for hackers...

Why Cyber Security Relies on Physical Security

We can no longer think about information security as a business process that is separate from physical security. These two...

Email Safety is Just as Important as Email Security

Ever since the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol was established by Postel in the early 1980s, hackers have been interested in...

Why Business Email Security is Vital to Prevent Phishing

Phishing has become one of the most dangerous cyber threats in the history of information security. In essence, phishing is...

Choosing the Right Data Backup Plan for Your Business

Data protection and information security have become synonymous in the sense that they are both considered to be modern business...

Data Backups and Your Cyber Security Strategy

We live in times when we all need to become familiar with the hard truths of cyber security in the...

Why Antivirus Protection is More Relevant Than Ever

In the world of information security, a virus is a piece of software that includes code instructions on how it...

Endpoint Detection Response- AV, EDR, MDR?

What is Managed Detection and Response? To answer this we have to start with endpoints. Endpoints are the ends of networks...

How Does an MDR Protect Endpoints?

Endpoints are the ends within any network, people looking to interact with the network using a device. These devices are...



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